Global Solidarity and Sharing on Climate Displacement should be reflected in two UN Global Compacts


16th June 2017, Geneva, Switzerland. Today COAST (a Bangladeshi NGO), NRC, and UNHCR jointly organized a side event, speakers emphasize global solidarity and sharing responsibilities in respect of climate displacement should be reflected in two global compacts as being prepared by UN. Noted that preparing two global compacts, one on refugees and another one on migration have been agreed by states during September 2016 in New York UN summit on large scale movement. The side event title “Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities in the Global Compacts” have held in Geneva International Conference Centre on the eve of ongoing UNHCR Annual Dialogue. The side event was moderated by Mr. Atle Solberg from Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD), PDD is a state led body, at present which is chaired by Germany. Other panelists were Mr. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury from COAST, Mr Neil Turner from Norwegian Refugee Council, Ms. Sarnata Reynolds from Oxfam USA and Ms. Marine Frank from UNHCR.
Mr. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury from COAST presented the case study from Bangladesh that how it will cause loss of one third of Bangladesh and will create unbearable population density leading to huge economic and social security threats, whereas Bangladeshis are hardly responsible for climate damages. While interacting questions and comments from the participants he also mentioned while Bangladesh government is investing bigger amount compare to very little assistance from international community. He demanded international legal regime in this regards and implications to both incoming global compacts.
Mr. Neil Turner from NRC depicted the El Nino and La Nino impact in African region, especially its impact in Somalia and creating protracted crisis of displacement. While La Nino creating drought El Nino creating excessive rains, in every 3 to 8 years of interval. In respect of two global compacts he urged for durable solutions, predictability for responding to the large movements and responsibility sharing mechanism.
Mr. Sarnata Reynolds from Oxfam USA praised Mr Volker Turk the Assistant High Commissioner UNHCR remarks in opening session of this UNHCR annual dialogue that climate displacement has implications in both the compacts and especially in CRRF (Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework). The CRRF is being piloted by UNHCR. She depicted how climate displacement creating problems for women and children who are already vulnerable in developing countries and eroding social capitals in this regard.
Ms. Marine Franck from UNHCR renewed UNHCR commitment toward climate displacement issues in CRRF. Mr Atle Soleberg the moderator of the sessions in summing up mentioned six points in need, which are policy coherence, relevancy of the issues for implications in both the compacts, breaking of climate impacts to different group of population with different type of vulnerabilities, better preparedness with anticipation and predictability, responsibility and sharing of burden in regional and international level, and global solidarity in this regard. Please download [Bangla Press] [English Press] [Concept Note] [Bangladeshi CSOs Call on Global Compact] [2017 Final Agenda NGO Consultations]

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