109th Executive Committee Meeting on 25th June 2021


The Plans and Budget of 2021-22 of COAST Foundation (www.coastbd.org) have been prepared through the participation of stakeholders of different levels i.e. member participants, local level civil society, Government Officials and staff. All the staff of different Sector/Section/ Project Implementation Units (PIU) was requested for covering the issues like i) last year’s achievements, ii) stakeholders’ comments, iii) last year’s limitation, iv) the next year’s objectives and v) next year challenges. After compilation of all the papers from Sector/Section/PIU this document has been prepared and summarized.

Please download related paper [109th ECM minutes] [108th Virtual ECM Minutes] [24th Pre-EC Audit Meeting Minutes] [Budget 2021-22] [Project Information Matrix] [Output Status and Comparison] [Microfinance Business Proposal_2021_22] [Status of Human Resource Management] [GRDM] [Case Report]