We ignored the treating of equal dignity of women: We are sorry. Let us change


COAST along with other Civil Society Organizations has observed the International Women’s Day 2014 in Charfession, Bhola, Noakhali, Chittagong and Cox’sBazar based on the theme “We ignored the treating equal dignity of women: We are sorry-Let us change”.The event includes rally, human chain and discussion in different places mentioned.

COAST is motivated to observe the day by the participation in an inaugural of a website (www.shomanshoman.org.bd) of a campaign network titled “Shoman shoman-Marjadai Gori Somata” (Equity through dignity) organized by Manusher Jonno Foundation on March 5, 2014.

The brief description on observing the International Women’s Day on 8th March 2014 in different region organized by COAST Trust and other CSOs are as follows.

Cox’s Bazar
Among others Ms. Mabia Khanom, President of People’s Organization, Ms. Jhunu Begum, Vice-President of People’s Organization from Cox’s Bazar-1 and Cox’s Bazar-2 branch, Moqbul Ahmed, the Regional Team Leader, Md. Sohel Mahmud, Branch Manager from COAST Cox’s Bazar Region were present in the rally and discussion.

Ms. Mabia Khanom said in the discussion that women are contributing a lot in the development sector in Bangladesh. She added that the readymade garment sector in Bangladesh have been developed on the contribution of women who are 80% of the total employee. But in the society the remarkable discrimination is still present. The women are neglected not only in the society but also in the families.

Ms. Jhunu Begum in her speech said that one woman works around 45 tasks within 16-20 hours a day. But 70% women are suffering from malnutrition.

Moqbul Ahmed of COAST Trust said that our development will not be possible if we do not recognize the contribution of women as the half of the population of Bangladesh are women. He told that the women contribute 20% in GDP but it would be much more if their household works is valued and accounted. He told that it is now time to recognize the women’s works and their contribution.

Ms. Jebunnahar Begum, District Women Affairs Officer chaired the discussion program in Bhola while the Deputy Commissioner was the chief guest. The discussion was organized followed by a rally marched through the town. The women leaders, students, NGO leaders, media people, People’s Organization leaders were present in the rally and discussion.

Women leader Ms. Sitika Karmakarsaid in her speech that a woman works 15 times more than a man. But still it is not recognized.

The Deputy Commissioner said that we failed to give the respect to women’s dignity and their works. Violence against women are still taking place in the families and in the societies. He added, 78% women are directly involved in the agriculture works but only 10% of them own the land. At every corner we should reduce the discrimination among men and women. He expressed his solidarity to the campaign.

At the chair’s speech Begum Jebunnahar said that at present around 183 thousand women are working in 143 countries legally. She also urged the participants to come forward for positive impressions for the real contribution of women. She also requested to disseminate the theme of the women’s day in all levels.

COAST Trust organized a rally and a discussion on the occasion of International Women’s Day along with other NGOs, civil society organizations, People’s Organization leaders, media personnel, women leaders, teachers, students and parents in Charfession town. The rally was led by Mr. Rezaul Karim, Upazilla Nirbahi Officer of Charfession.

The participants in the discussion said that 22.2 million women are moving the rural economy through their involvement in micro finance. They seek to prevent the existing discrimination, disrespect to the women though they are contributing a lot in the families, societies and the state.

As the chief guest of the program the Upazilla Nirbahi Officer said that there is a great contribution of women in our liberation but they are not recognized properly. He added, our families and society have failed to show the dignity of women and their contribution to the recent development arena of the country. The discussion was held in the Officer’s Club and Mr. Hamayat Uddin, Upazailla Women Affairs Officer chaired the discussion.

A rally and discussion were initiated by COAST Trust, Noakhali where other NGO leaders, COAST staff, group member, civil society leaders, People’s Organization leaders, students of schools and colleges took part.

The rally marched throgh the town and ended in front of Deputy Commissioner’s office and there held a after-rally open discussion. NDC Mr. Najrul Islam, Mr. Feroz Alam, Regional Coordinator, Mr. Mahbububur Rahman, Area Manager and Mr. Fakrul Islam, Manager of COAST Trust, Noakhali, and Ms. Marium Begum spoke in the discussion.

The speakers said that the women could be in highlighted for their contribution in the countries development only if they are given an equal opportunity as men. They also said that if the household works of the women are properly valued and accounted, it would worth trillions of Taka every year.

COAST also observed the International Women’s Day in the city of Chittagong with the participation of COAST staff, group members and other NGOs leaders.