Way forward in Rohingya Response toward Whole of Society Approach with Aid Transparency and Localization


CCNF anniversary: Meeting with GB localization team in Cox’sBazar.
10th September 2017, Coxsbazar. Today after a day long visit in Rohingya camp along with CCNF leaders, Grand Bargain global Localization team meet with a dinner meeting in COAST Coxsbazar Management and Training Center. Fortunately September 2018 is also the first anniversary of the CCNF. CCNF Co Chair Mr. Abu Morshed Chowdhury have presented a set of slides on above issues, including brief descriptions of last 12 months CCNF advocacy activity. Mr Kalam Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner and Mr Jagan IFRC Under Secretary General was present on the occasion along with other GB localization team members where includes Ms Anita from Oxfam and Mr Michel Musslemenn from Christian Aid was there along with local NGOs leaders including CCNF Co Chair Mr Arifur Rahman and Mr Rezaul Karim Chowdhury. For key recommendations please download the slide and please look at the slides 13 to 16.
Please Download Presentation [Click here]
