Special thanks and gratitude!


Radio Meghna kept its operations continued day and night to forecast about Cyclone Roanu, preparedness and rehabilitation works after the disaster. Radio Meghna broadcast relentlessly its own programs to inform people about the cyclone alongside broadcasting alert signal of Bangladesh Betar.
Interviews of Deputy Commissioner of Bhola, Upazila Nirbahi Officers of Monpura and Tajumuddin, Mayor of Chorfashion, Chairman of Chorfashion Upazilla, Agriculture and Fisheries officers and assistant director of cyclone project were broadcast live. Radio Meghna also broadcast live interviews of Chairmen of some union parishads including Char Kukri Mukri, Char Madrass, Char Manika, Hazariganj, Ayajpur and Zahanpur union parishad. Information on preparedness collected from five regional offices of Coast Trust-Cox’s Bazar, Noakhali, Feni, Loxmipur and Charfassion of Bhola were also broadcast round the clock.
One group of young girls—Nishi, Konika, Chompakoli and Ankhi worked round the clock for the continued live broadcast. They also engaged listeners with the live programs. Salma, Trishna and Moushumi joined with them in the day. On Radio Meghna’s behalf, sincere thanks and gratitude to them. Radio Meghna thinks continuing broadcasting live programs could not be possible without their spontaneous participation. Besides, special thanks and gratitude to the officials and representatives of different upazilas and union parishads, mass people and workers of Coast Trust who helped Radio Meghna in many ways.
Photos on Radio Meghna Station