Report on International Workshop to understand the Social, Economic, Ecological Political Dimensions of Blue Economy in South and South-East Asia


Report:  Report on International Workshop to understand the Social, Economic, Ecological Political Dimensions of Blue Economy in South and South-East Asia.

Duration:  27-29 August, 2018

Place:  Hotel Crest Wood, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Participant: Sanat K. Bhowmik Sneha (Social Need Education and Human Awareness, based in Tamilnadu, India working with the small-scale fishers organized the event during 27-29, August, 2018, in Kolkata, India. COAST-Bangladesh, ICSF-India, EQUATION-India, DISHA-India, NAFSO-Sri Lanka, WFFP, Public Finance and Public Accountability Collective-India, National Association for Fisher-Folk-Thailand participated in the workshop. The objectives of the workshop are to i) clarify the definition of the blue economy as per World Bank, ii) a study to document the implications of ‘Blue Economy’ supported by nation state, international bodies and armed with an array of technocrats, economists and experts. [Click here full report]