Quality & Accountability: COAST sustains international certification by HQAI


COAST Foundation always believes in quality and accountability in its response. So, being a long-time member of the CHS Alliance (www.chsalliance.org), the organisation embarked on a Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) certification with the Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative (HQAI) in 2017. HQAI is a lone international independent 3rd party audit organisation which has mandates to assess organisation’s performance over the CHS commitments and issues certification, applied for. COAST’s objective of starting a four-year certification journey was to strengthen the organisation’s institutional governance system for excellence and compliance with the CHS.

Certification process to date The first formal CHS certification cycle was 2017- 2021. Every year the organization went on to a rigorous audit process that consists documents check, extensive interview with the staff and program participants and partners. If the auditors found everything that falls under the quality and accountability standards, only then it issues certificate for one year. COAST completed the 1st cycle of certification successfully and embarked on a 2nd cycle for 2022- 2026. The 1st year audit of this cycle covered the humanitarian, development and advocacy activities of COAST and it recommended the maintenance of the certification for one more year. COAST is the only local organization in Asia which sustains this prestigious certification issued by HQAI.
Download [Certificate of Compliance_COAST_Foundation] [Summary report_HQAI]