National Consultation held on developing resilient capacity in disaster


Today 05 Feb 2014, a national level workshop is held at the head office of a NGO COAST trust towards develop a resilient capacity to address effective disaster management and risk reduction.

This workshop is participated with the representatives from 18 National and International NGOs, CSO, national level journalist and other professional stakeholders and shared their practical experience in disaster management.

The workshop has organized jointly with ADRRN (Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network) and COAST Trust (A national level NGO working in coastal areas in Bangladesh) where financial support provided by Australian Aid. This workshop is held following the previous workshops held at different upazilla and district level.

The workshop has especially focus on the core issue like resilient capacity building among the community, disaster management and accountability mechanism that works during disaster. In the regard the workshop has made the following recommendations;

1. Government should strengthen the union level disaster management committees in their local planning and decision making process that will ensure local accountability.
2. Ensure community participation and their demand while design any project and development program from government and NGOs. Then people will be conceptualized and be aware about their role and responsibility and act accordingly.
3. DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction Issues) issues must be integrated with all government sector & ministries and their yearly planning and budgeting process.