COAST Trust is in the process of CHS certification Audit by HQAI


COAST is in the process of CHS certification audit. Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative HQAI ( is conducting the audit. An agreement between COAST and HQAI has been signed. Cath Blunt, will act as independent lead auditor and Belinda Lucas will be as trainee auditor and Elissa M. Goucem, Quality assurance officer HQAI will supervise the audit on behalf of HQAI.

Total duration of the audit is 12 weeks while the audit team will come to onsite; visit and consult head office and program site on Thursday 19th to Thursday 26th October 2017. And before December’17 or early January 18 the final report will be published with decision of certification. As the initial steps COAST completed the self-assessment report against CHS standard.