COAST staff Trained on COVID 19 both from External and Internal Sources to develop Organizational Capacities


6th May 2020. During general vacation according to govt. circular COAST Trust tried to trained its staff on COVID 19 through online training courses and proving awareness materials. It is prepare the organization on how to protect the life during this COVID 19 period and also to conduct awareness among mass people.  For this, it prepared COAST Code of Conducts and given orientation to the staff, revised Bio-safety rules and changes a lot of other official rules namely as “COAST COVID 19 Preventive Health Rules” these are available in our website. The main objectives of these activities are- aware and sensitize all staff on COVID 19 and how to protect themselves and office environment from COVID 19.

COAST organized two virtual online training courses namely: a) Prevention from COVID 19 and b) COVID 19: Mental health. The training sessions were taken using zoom app and Facebook live. After the sessions there were online post training assessments using Google forms. All course material available in this website so that other can multiply these in their own organizational situation.

The training course titled ‘Protection from COVID-19’ was held on 15 April, 2020. The Contents were: What is COVID-19, Symptoms of COVID-19 Attack, measures to protect COVID-19, Quarantine, Isolation and Funeral of people who died from COVID-19. The other training course titled ‘COVID-19: Mental Health’ was held on 21 April, 2020. The contents were: Impact of pandemics on mental health, Impact of COVID-19 on mental health, Measures to be free from mental pressure, Ways to be free from mental pressure during Quarantine, Ways to be happy. It is to be mentioned that, nearly 500 staff by zoom and 10,000 viewers (including staff) through Facebook joined in the course and online quiz on the courses where 90% staff scored more than 80% marks.

On the other hand, COAST’s senior and mid-level staff also completed other external courses from on line sources, namely- COVID-19 Awareness & Prevention by BRAC (114 staff), COVID-19: Special Course for Informal Healthcare Providers by JEEON (105 staff), Online Course by DG of Health Services and offered through Muktapath (99 staff), Emerging Respiratory Virus including COVID-19: Methods for detection, prevention, response and control” by WHO (83 staff) and Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for COVID-19 by WHO (104 staff).