COAST response to Roanu up to 12 June 2016 concentration in water, sanitation, advocacy for most affected Kutubdia of Cox’sbazar


Tropical cyclone Roanu hit Bangladesh coast on May 21, 2016. Government and the community took advance preparation and protective measures so that the death toll limited to 24 in number. The cyclone damaged approximately 83,978 houses and affected approximately 139,852 families in the impoverished 15 districts of south central and south east coast of the country. Bhola and Cox’s Bazar among the 15 districts faced worst situation due to collapse of embankment. In Bhola 134 km and in Cox’s Bazar 95 km of embankment fully or partially was washout. Especially 25 km of embankment collapsed in Kutubdia Island; upazila of Cox’s Bazar caused multifold suffering for 70 thousand people of five unions. Only Kutubdia community lost assets that cost 50 million taka.
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