BFWA urge to release poor Indian fishermen from Bagerhat jail


Bangladesh Fish Workers’ Alliance (BFWA), an alliance for the poor and marginalized fisher folks in Bangladesh urged the authority to release the 45 Indian poor fishermen from Bagerhat jail. They were arrested from the Bay of Bengal accused for illegally crossing the border.

BFWA said that they have collected some information on them and found that most of them are very poor and only earning member of their families. Therefore, their families in India are suffering. BFWA have come across that the arrested fishermen didn’t cross the border intentionally. They lost their way in the fog.

BFWA also said that, they completely agreed on crossing border without proper permission is an offence and they must be arrested. There is nothing wrong with this step taken by the security agency deployed in the coastline of Bangladesh. But considering the humanity and their poverty BFWA is urge to release the 45 Indian fishermen from Bagerhat jail as soon as possible.

In this regard, BFWA is working in 4 areas i.e. with the local authority, Ministry of Home, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the High Commission of India.

It is to mention that the 45 Indian fishermen were arrested on 27 December 2013 from the Khulna-Bagerhat area in the Bay of Bengal. 29 other Indian fishermen were also arrested on 23 December. Some fishermen from Bangladesh, in the same way, are currently in the jail of Kerala in India and the government of India, considering the humanity and poverty of the arrestees, are going to release them in January next.

BFWA draws attention of the authority to take necessary action in this regard.
Click here for the list of 45 fishermen remain in the Bagerhat jail.