Bangladesh Community Radio Stations Deal with Cyclone ROANU


To maintain the risk of cyclone ROANU, 8 community radio stations in the coastal region of Bangladesh broadcast 348 hours programmes for three days to facilitate efforts to save peoples live and assents. The cyclone warning signal provided by the Standing Orders on Disaster (SOD) of Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; the stations started broadcasting from 19 May afternoon and continued non-stop till midnight of 21st May. They provided information on cyclone ROANU, it’s after effects and activities communities should do to deal with the cyclone effects. The community radio Meghna is one of them that broadcasted continuous programme. The Bangladesh NGO’s Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) kept constant coordination with those stations and provide information and guidance in the whole process. The story is written by CEO of BNNRC that published at the magazine namely Broadcaster, The Asia- Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia.