Adolescent Girls in Bangladesh Defend Right to Learning, COAST Program has been published in Indepth News, Canada/Germany


Internationally renowned news agency Indepth news has published an article on one COAST Program named Socio-economic Empowerment with Dignity and Sustainability (SEEDS). The article highlights one of the interventions of the program for the empowerment of adolescent girls of the Cox’s Bazar area. COAST is trying to empower specially the school dropped out adolescent girls with technical and income generating education. SEEDS program is being implemented with the support of Stromme Foundation, a Norwegian organization.
Title of the article is Adolescent Girls in Bangladesh Defend Right to Learning

IDN-InDepth News serves as flagship agency of the International Press Syndicate and its partner, the Global Cooperation Council, established in February 1983.

The International Press Syndicate is committed to social and ethical responsibility. Its publications include online and print magazines such as the Global Perspectives magazine for international cooperation and the South Asian Outlook independent e-Monthly as well as Indo-Canada Outlook. The International Press Syndicate is a global news group first established in Canada and Germany in March 2009 as Global on Media Information, Communication and Publishing Agency, with IDN-InDepth News as its flagship agency.

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