Accelerating Localisation Through Partnerships


Thanks to the research advisory group of the Accelerating Localisation through Partnerships consortium for guiding the research: Victor Arokoyo (Christian Aid Nigeria), Jane Backhurst (Christian Aid UK), Saw Mar Taw Gyi (Christian Aid Myanmar), Lizz Harrison and Carol Hatchett (Christian Aid UK), Alexandra Panaite (ActionAid UK), Malish John Peter (CARE South Sudan), Charlie Rowley (Oxfam GB), Hast Bahadur Sunar (Tearfund Nepal). Thanks also to other staff in the Accelerating Localisation through Partnerships consortium for review and feedback, including Simone Di Vicenz (Christian Aid UK), Inge Groenewegen (Christian Aid UK), Rajan Khosla (Christian Aid Myanmar), Frédérique Lahoux (CARE International), Paul Johnston (Tearfund UK), Michael Mosselmans (Christian Aid UK), Katherine Nightingale (CARE International UK), Christina Schmalenbach (Oxfam GB), Anne Street (CAFOD). This report is a summary of the longer research report (available on request) with thanks to Christina Schmalenbach. Click here