COAST Family Feels Proud to Win HQAI Certificate


We, the COAST Family, are proud to win the HQAI certificate. This is a world recognised award for Accountability and Quality Management.

After being observed for four years and an extensive field audit conducted by three international auditors, COAST has received this certification from HQAI ( in Geneva. The certification is based on CHS standard and COAST is the first local organization in Asia and the second in southern countries to get this honor. The certificate will be valid until 2022 with annual review.

This will be officially announced through a reception in Geneva during April or June.  It is to be noted that, The Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative (HQAI) provides quality assurance services that demonstrate measurable progress in the delivery of humanitarian assistance within the international humanitarian community. The initiative’s prime motivating factor is to bring quality and accountability to affected population and other stakeholders.

COAST believes that, its responsibility and commitment towards quality governance excellence will be redoubled. COAST pays its gratitude to its member participants, Board of Trustee, partners and staff for their relentless effort, which in turn paved to achieve this reward.