COAST Observed the Mother Language Day with Host Communities in Ukhiya and Teknaf: Spirit of Social Harmony and Justice Upheld


February 21, 2018. Every year COAST observes the International Mother Language Day with great respect and homage to the Martyrs of 1952 who sacrificed their lives for democracy and freedom of speech. This year, COAST observed this very important national day also with the host communities of Ukhiya and Teknaf, mainly with the jointly with the Union Parishad (the first tier of local government), where representatives from the local elected bodies, local administration and people from different sectors participated. The main aim of that initiative was to encourage community people towards the spirit of social harmony, human dignity and justice.

COAST observed the mother language day in Teknaf sadar, Hnila and Hoakong unions of Teknaf Upazila (sub district), Ratnapalong, Rajapalong and Palongkhali unions of Ukhiya upazila. The event included rally of COAST staff along with the Union Parishad representatives at the early morning, paying homage to the martyrs by laying flower the monuments, and a discussion meeting with the participation of different stakeholders including Union Parishad Chairmen, Members, representatives of local political parties,

Speakers at the discussion upheld mainly the spirit of the language movement of 1952, the stressed that, to honour those national heroes, we have to ensure a society free of all types of discrimination as their sacrifice was to ensure a justice. They also opined that, the movement of 1952 was not only for the language, it was also for the human rights. So, we have to honour rights of people from all classed, all sectors, all religions.

A detailed report in Bangla can be found from here Report on International Mother language day observation.