COAST immediate response to the aftermath of Cyclone Mora: Relief and Drinking Water Distribution in St. Martin’s Island. Teknaf and Cox’s Bazar


Cyclone Mora hit in the coastal Bangladesh on 30 May 2017, affected approximately 2,811,465 people across 12 high-risk coastal districts. Cox’s Bazaar district was particularly heavily affected. St. Martin’s island was suffering from acute pure drinking water crisis, as an insider of this region COAST responded immediately. From 31st May to 1st June COAST supplied purified drinking water in St. Martin’e island. COAST used two water purifier filter machine which provided 1000 liters of water/hour.

On 2 June COAST distributed emergency relief to 200 families of the island. Each of the families got 10 Kgs rice, 1 liter oil, 2 Kgs potato, 1 Kg lentil, 1 Kg sugar and 1 Kg onion.

COAST also provided cash support to 75 affected betel leaf farmers. COAST provided 2 thousand taka to each of these farmers.

Member of Parliament Abdur Rahman Badi, Union Parishad Chairman Nur Muhamamd, Members of the Union Parishad, Representatives of Bangladesh Navy were present during the relief distribution.

COAST also provided emergency support of 350 litter water and 350 packet food to the people took shelter in a cyclone shelter on 30th May.
