Strengthening Bay of Bengal Regional Cooperation is a Necessity to Tap Blue Economy


Dhaka, 4th June 2017. Today in seminar held in Cirdap auditorium political leaders, civil society and embassy officials emphasize esteranization of culture and economy which has long history and long heritage, the also urged for strengthening regional cooperation in Bay of Bengal region with BIMSTEC (a regional state association) to tap Blue Economy especially for the benefit of people of the region in sustainable manner. The seminar title “ Blue Economy : Bangladesh and Bay of Bengal Regional Cooperation” organized by COAST a NGO working for coastal poor in Bangladesh with the assistance from American Center as a part of US (United States of America) Alumni activity to promote people to people contact. The seminar was chaired by Dr. Dipu Moni MP (Member of Parliament) Chairman Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Chief Guest was Mr. Narayn Chandra Chand MP, State Minister for Fisheries; Special Guests were Ambassador Sumith Nakandala the Secretary General, BIMSTEC; High Commissioner of Sri lanka Mrs Yosoja; Mr. Domang the First Secretary of Royal Bhutanese Embassy Mr. Domang; Mr Rex Moser Public Diplomatic Officer of US Embassy and Commodore AA Mamun Chowdhury Bangladesh Navy and Blue Economy Cell; Captain Mamunur Rashid Director Plans and Acquisition Bangladesh Coast Guard. They all have spoken in the seminar. The seminar was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury Executive Director COAST. Key note presentations have been given by Professor Lailufar Yesmin of Dhaka University, Professor Sahadat of Chittagong University and Sanat K Bowmik of COAST.
In the key note presentations, Professor Sahadat from Chittagong University, said that future global economy is mostly blue economy all though Bangladesh has little capacity compare to other regional neighbors. Professor Laifufar said that 21st century is for regional connectivity and flourishing popularity of esternization of knowledge and economy, she said that BIMSTEC ie Bay of Bengal is the unique opportunity as a functional zone in this regard.
Mr. Rex Moser of US Embassy appreciates this initiative of US Alumni’s especially to promote people to people contact in the region. Mr. Domang from Royal Bhutanese Embessy said that Bay of Bengal and BIMSTEC has silver line in regional cooperation. Ms. Yosoja the High Commissioner from Srilanka has said that Blue Economy is the prime importance to her government too, where they look for regional cooperation. Captain Mamunur Rashid of Coast Guest gives description on how they are doing guardianship in our sea. Commodore AA Mamun Chowdhury of Bangladesh Navy and Blue Economy Cell said about how government giving thrust in the sector strengthening the capacity of Navy.
Ambassador Sumith the Secretary General BIMSTEC said that cooperation in Bay of Bengal region is nothing new, it is historical, among the 14 issues, BIMSTEC leaders in last Goa summit given emphasize on Blue and Mountain Economy. State Minister Narayan Chand MP said that government is very much aware on sustainable use of ocean resources in Blue Economy. The Chair of the seminar Dr Dipu Moni MP said it is because of right politics and right leadership we have gain Bay of Bengal maritime boundary and BIMSTEC secretariat in Dhaka, the politics should continue with this vision.
Please download related paper [Bangla Press] [English Press] [Presentation by Sanat K. Bhowmik] [Presentation by Laifufur Yasmin] [Presentation by Shahadat Hossain]
