Religion for Person, State for all


Annual staff conference of COAST Trust
Chittagong Region
18 March 2017, at Creative Park,Bohoddarhat in Chittagong, the annual staff conference has been successfully completed where the slogan was “Religion for Person, State for All”.
More than 90 members were present there. The conference was moderated by M. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, Executive Director of COAST Trust. Ferdous Ara Rumee, Assistant Director and Asma Alam, Assistance Coordinator – Accounts of COAST Trust were also present there. The conference started at 9.00am by singing our National anthem by all. This Conference was announced by Md. Faruk Hossain, Regional Program Coordinator of COAST.
After singing the National Anthem by all, everyone introduced themselves to the Executive Director.
Then he mentioned that we fought for democracy, socialism, secularism and nationalism. These are our four pillars of state. But nowadays, we witnessing in Islamic extremism in our country. Not only here but also around the world is the extremist creating disruptiveness in the name of Islam. But we all know that Islam means peace and it is not fair to force anyone to believer or practice Islam. It’s totally her/his own choice. That is why we called as we are secular country. He also discussed about democracy, socialism, secularism and nationalism in brief which we all should have clear concept about as the citizen of the country. Ferdous Ara Rumee and Asma Alam also shared their opinion in this regard. Click here for a details report