Humanity should be Above All


Annual staff conference of COAST Trust Trust
Noakhali Region, 11 March, 2017
11 March 2017, at Noakhali Nice Guest House hall room the annual staff’ conference was successfully completed where slogan was “Human dignity is higher than all”. More than 110 members of staff were present there. The conference was moderated by M. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, Executive Director of COAST Trust. Assistant Director of COAST Trust, Shawkat Ali Tutul also was presented there. The conference started at 9.00am by singing National anthem.The executive Director of the organization M Rezaul Karim Chowdhury gives an introductory speech to all members of staff. Mr. Firoz Alam, RPC of Noakhali region delivered the welcome speech. He congratulated all the guests who came from Dhaka office. He said this year our theme is “Human dignity is higher than all”. After that the Executive Director of the organization M Rezaul Karim Chowdhury delivered his speech to all. He expressed the goals and objectives of the organization. Then he discussed the vision and mission of COAST. Last edited: 21 March 2017
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