Report on Validation Workshop on Blue Economy Study in South and South-East Asia held in 5-7 December 2019


Report: Report on Validation Workshop on Blue Economy Study in South and South-East Asia

Duration: Dec 5-7, 2019

Place: India Social Institute, Delhi, India

Participant: Sanat K. Bhowmik, DirectorIntroduction: SNEHA (Social Need Education and Human Awareness, based in Tamilnadu, India working with the small-scale fishers organized a validation workshop for study on Blue Economy (BE) in New Delhi during 5-7, 2019. A Study related to Blue Economy was conducted by a research team comprising from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Sri Lank and Thailand during October 2018 to March, 2019 in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand. COAST-Bangladesh, ICSF-India, EQUATION-India, DISHA-India, NAFSO-Sri Lanka, WFFP, Public Finance and Public Accountability Collective-India, Social Development Foundation -Thailand participated in the workshop. The objectives of the workshop are to i) to validate the study report and ii) to take preparation for International Tribunal in September 2020 in New Delhi. Click here details report